I’ve been a daily user of verydice for months now. I love how getting things is so easy, just by playing daily.
There are a couple of problems. I guess one isn’t really a problem, but there should be an amazon link on the products so we can easily go and look at the ratings!!!
Also, it seems like the more I play, the harder it is for me to get my daily doubles. I’ll go through more than 100 rolls trying to get them all when used to, I only had to go through maybe 50-75.
Overall, it’s an amazing app. I’ve never spent money on it ever! I’ve gotten two toys redeemed for my son and I just today, redeemed some bath bombs for me! Only 3 things, yes, but it’s basically free. No shipping, nowhere does it ask you to enter payment info! All you do is dedicate time to collecting rolls, rolling, and eventually, you’ll have enough for something you’ll want!
And from what I’ve seen, they have just about everything from amazon. Plus, you get prime shipping without the prime.